Hock-immunization protocol
For hock immunization in the left hind foot, the mouse is placed on the rack
underneath the cage top and held gently by just the left foot with the top
down. To do the hock injection with a CFA emulsion, a right-handed person wo
uld hold the left hind foot between the left thumb and left middle finger le
aving the left index finger free. Holding the loaded syringe and needle read
y in the right hand, inject laterally on the right side (inside part of the
leg) just above the ankle into the space indicated in Fig. 1.
For footpad immunization in the left hind foot, the mouse is placed on the r
ack underneath the cage top and held gently by just the left foot with the t
op down and the ventral part of the foot facing up.
For the injections, a 27-gauge needle was used and the injection site approa
ched with the bevelled edge of the needle facing to the left in the case of
hock immunization, and downwards in the case of footpad immunization, i.e. t
he bevel facing the skin while going in with the needle. The needle was push
ed into the skin a little way past the bevel before starting to inject. Afte
r finishing to inject, the needle was slowly withdrawn from the injection si
te while pressing down lightly on top of the injection site with the left in
dex finger. Once the needle was completely withdrawn from the injection site
, it was pressed down a little harder for a few seconds, maybe 2 to 3 second
s, and then released. At this point, there should be no injected material oo
zing from the site of the injection. If material was still oozing out, the i
njection site was pressed down for a few seconds more
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