



Perl- 兩份log差異比較

各位高手先進~小弟初學perl, 想以perl撰寫一個比較log差異(file1, file2)的自動化程式log的內容: 逐行條列error, warning訊息功能: 兩份log進行逐行比對, 如果有份都有的忽略。 如果出現"訊息內容有差異"或者"多一項error/warrning", 將此訊息抓出並另存 一個新檔中。目前癥結點: 想做兩個迴圈的方式, 兩個log皆逐行比對。換句話說,file1抓line1與file2 逐行確認, 若有找到相同, 直接忽略。改由file1抓line2與file2逐行確認, 若 file2整份掃完, 皆無相同, 將file1的line2另存新檔, 以此類推。 若高手, 先進有更好寫法, 也可提供。目前完成的code內容: (###為卡關處......)#!/usr/bin/perl -wprint "Enter the name of original file: ";chomp($original_file = <STDIN>);print "Enter the name of new file: ";chomp($new_file = <STDIN>);open(ORIF, "<" ,$original_file) or die "\nError: can't open $original_filefile.";open(NEWF, "<" ,$new_file) or die "\nError: can't open $new_file file.";open(TEMPORI, ">" , "temp_$original_file") or die "\nCould not create andwrite a temp file for original.";open(TEMPNEW, ">" , "temp_$new_file") or die "\nCould not create and write atemp file for new.";open(DIFFLIST, ">" ,"difference_list.txt") or die "\nCould not create andwrite a temp file for new.";$cnt_debug = 0;while (<ORIF>){ my $line = $_; if ($line =~ /^Warning\s+\(([0-9]+)\):\s+.*$/){ print TEMPORI $line; }else{ if ($line =~ /^Warning: .*$/){ print TEMPORI $line; }else{ if ($line =~/^(Critical |\s*)Warning\s+\(([0-9]+)\):\s+.*$/){ print TEMPORI $line; }else{ if ($line =~ /^Critical Warning: supported quartusversion.*$/){ }else{ if ($line =~ /^Critical Warning: project is run on.*$/){ }else{ if ($line =~ /^Error\s+\(([0-9]+)\):\s+.*$/){ print TEMPORI $line; }else{ if ($line =~ /^Error: .*$/){ print TEMPORI $line; }else{ } } } } } } }}while (<NEWF>){ my $line = $_; if ($line =~ /^Warning\s+\(([0-9]+)\):\s+.*$/){ print TEMPNEW $line; }else{ if ($line =~ /^Warning: .*$/){ print TEMPNEW $line; }else{ if ($line =~/^(Critical |\s*)Warning\s+\(([0-9]+)\):\s+.*$/){ print TEMPNEW $line; }else{ if ($line =~ /^Critical Warning: supported quartusversion.*$/){ }else{ if ($line =~ /^Critical Warning: project is run on.*$/){ }else{ if ($line =~ /^Error\s+\(([0-9]+)\):\s+.*$/){ print TEMPNEW $line; }else{ if ($line =~ /^Error: .*$/){ print TEMPNEW $line; }else{ } } } } } } }}close (ORIF); close (NEWF); close (TEMPORI); close (TEMPNEW);open(TEMPORI, "<" , "temp_$original_file") or die "\nCould not read a tempfile for original.";open(TEMPNEW, "<" , "temp_$new_file") or die "\nCould not read a temp filefor new.";###while (<TEMPNEW>){### my $ind_diff = 0;### my $line_new = $_;### print "NEW_" . $line_new;### foreach my $line_ori (<TEMPORI>){### print "ORI_" . $line_ori;###### if ($line_new eq $line_ori){### $cnt_debug--;### print $cnt_debug . "\n";### print $ind_diff . "\n";### }else{### $cnt_debug++;### print $cnt_debug . "\n";### $ind_diff = 1;### print $ind_diff . "\n";### }### }###### if ($ind_diff eq 1){### print DIFFLIST $line_new . "\n";### }else{### }###}close (TEMPORI);close (TEMPNEW);close (DIFFLIST);--The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs onestep at a time.像搭電梯般快速成功是不切實際的。你必需沿著樓梯,一步一階的往上爬。 Joe Girard--
  • 發問日期:2021-06-02 07:30:05
