尚未解答科技人- 台積電 mask process engineer
台積電 mask process engineer
科技人- 台積電 mask process engineer
台積電 mask process engineer
最近收到兩個面試邀約 希望待過台積的大大能給點建議 職務名稱: Mask Process Engineer 工作地點: 中科 職務說明: 1. Engineers for mask production maintenance. 2. Continue improvement in mask qu ality & tool throughput. 3. New mask technology set up. 請問板上各位大大是否有待過此單位, 不太確定此單位的工作內容為何? 不知這個單位要常常進無塵室或是在黃光的環境下嗎? 調到南科的機率高嗎? 職務名稱: Process Engineer 工作地點: 竹科 職務說明: 1. A highly motivated individuals with a strong technical background and capabil ities to develop and sustain process technologies for flash memory and logic pro ducts. 2. Working with a team which may include device, integration, yield, lit hography, etch and thin films or external suppliers to drive leading-edge integr ated module development, control and improvements. 3. Be responsible for sustai ning ownership such as day-to-day operations, equipment troubleshooting and ment oring technicians. 另外有個邀約是 process engineer 但奇怪的是沒有註明是何部門? 是現在都要面試才會告知嗎? 不好意思,問題有點多 希望有待過台積電的大大能解惑。謝謝。 --
科技人- 台積電 mask process engineer
台積電 mask process engineer