評論來源:https://reurl.cc/dmj5XV 優點: 衛報: 100分 Phoenix is the key to it all: a performance as robust as the glass of burgundy he knocks back: preening, brooding, seething and triumphing. 瓦昆是一切的關鍵,表演方式如同一口喝下的勃根地酒般強勁,自滿得意,憂愁滿面,怒火沖天,再凱旋歸來。 帝國雜誌: 80分 Scott's take on Napoleon is distinctively deadpan: a funny, idiosyncratic clos e-up of the man, rather than a broader, all-encompassing account. 雷利史考特對拿破崙的刻畫,有著他獨特的執導風格,帶點嚴肅卻不失幽默描寫拿破崙,以貼近的角度而不是以宏觀的方式呈現這個角色。 BBC: 80分 It feels like a tantalising trailer for the longer and presumably richer and d eeper film that is still to come. 整部電影像一道可口的前菜,預示著更豐富且有深度的下一部電影即將到來。 缺點: Time Out: 60分 Ridley Scott delivers a spectacular but flavourless French history lesson. 雷利史考特拍出了一部壯闊卻索然無味的法國歷史課電影。 Variety: 50分 Dense without feeling rushed, then done without ever having really sprung to l ife, Napoleon seems determined to cover a great deal of ground over its not-in significant running time. 濃縮劇情卻不讓人覺得進展過快,但又少了真正賦予角色生命力的那種感覺,這部電影想要在有限電影時長中,涵蓋太多太多東西。 以上是簡單翻譯一下,翻得不好請指正XD 謝謝 看評論有點涼掉,但又沒那麼涼的感覺QQ --