stephenchow 今天我只有一個願望,就是能與 一大群不同國籍、年青貌美、身材標緻、天資聰敏、體能出眾的靚女,一起共渡難忘時光,人數不拘,多啲嚟密啲手,我無懼人山人海,只怕妳未夠風彩!如符合以上條件,請把近照及個人資料發送到 [email protected]
Here is my birthday wish
To spend a good time with so many pretty girls ( young, beautiful, smart, curvy, ATHLETIC). All countries are welcomed. The more the better!
Let’s people mountain people sea, just don‘t be ugly.
For those who are qualified, please send recent photos and detail info to [email protected]
(Photoshopped photo will never work. It will be condemned by us and by the United Nations!)-----
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone