詹姆斯岡恩(James Gunn)稍早在推特與臉書上發表了新的回應—— 「當彼得與我在接掌 DC Studios 時,我們意識到的其中一件事就是——退 一步來說(to say the least),網路上有一小部分的人會喧囂( uproarious)且不友善(unkind)。 我們對於 DCU 的選擇是基於我們相信這對故事以及具有近 85 年歷史的 DC 角色來說的最好選擇。也許這些選擇很棒,也許不是。但這些都來自真摯的 心與誠信(integrity),並總是以故事為中心。 沒有人喜歡被騷擾或羞辱,但老實說我們已經歷過更糟的狀況。不尊重的強 烈抗議(Disrespectful outcry)永遠不會影響我們的行動。我們了解我們 接手後會有一段動盪期,我們也知道我們有時候必須要做出困難與不那麼明 顯的選擇,尤其在這難以捉模的狀況(fractious nature)出現在我們的面 前之後。但對我們來說,比起我們作為藝術家與看守者(artists & custodians)要來幫助 DC 建立廣闊且美妙的未來來說都不算什麼。」 -- 避免翻譯失當,可參考以下原文 One of the things Peter & I were aware of when we took the job as heads of DC Studios was a certain minority of people online that could be, well, uproarious & unkind, to say the least. Our choices for the DCU are based upon what we believe is best for the story & best for the DC characters who have been around for nearly 85 years. Perhaps these choices are great, perhaps not, but they are made with sincere hearts & integrity & always with the story in mind. No one loves to be harassed or called names – but, to be frank, we’ve been through significantly worse. Disrespectful outcry will never, ever affect our actions. We were aware there would be a period of turbulence when we took this gig, & we knew we would sometimes have to make difficult & not-so-obvious choices, especially in the wake of the fractious nature of what came before us. But this means little to us in comparison to our jobs as artists & custodians in helping to create a wide & wonderful future for DC. https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1604929009787146240 --