There are some very ‘sad’ people in this world – me included! 在這世上有很多'悲傷'的人 - 包括我在內!
I have spent the last 2 years, as some of you know, constantly loading and inspecting dead, or nearly dead, web pages and sites. 我過去兩年時間花費在,你們有些人知道的,持續在讀取(重整)然而看到的是 掛掉的,或者應該說是幾乎掛掉的網頁及網站。
Why? You might ask – good question! 你可能會問為什麼? 好問題!
Since the final round collapse of A1GP I have been told of the efforts to get the series back on track, many names have come and gone, then there was the auction that never worked [not because nobody made an offer] and now the ‘clone’ series A10 World Series. 自從最後一場賽事後垮台的A1GP,有很多人告訴我為了讓賽事重回軌道所做的許多努力 ,許多名字來來去去,以及沒有成功過的拍賣(並非因為沒人競標),然後現在出現的 '複製'賽事 A10 ws。
Everyone got very excited when a new website popped up with news of an imminent announcement. They started to ‘drip’ feed information over a period of time because the original launch announcement had to be delayed from the planned date. After a number of weeks this stopped and the website had a page rotating through that information. Nothing new has been added since. 每個人都很興奮當看到一個新的網站http://a10worldseries.com冒出,並且告知 大家即將有消息要公佈。他們每過一段時間將消息一點一滴的釋放,因為原先 釋出的消息比預定來的要晚。過了幾個禮拜後消息也停止公佈了,而網站也弄了個 該消息繞著轉的網頁。從此後再也沒有新的消息。
Now comes the ‘sad’ bit — the front page has changed! 現在'悲傷'的一點是 - 首頁換掉了!
No longer is the rotation of facts there it is now just the logo – static – no links or text. 再也沒有旋轉的消息,取而代之的是A10 ws靜止的圖案,沒任何連結或文字訊息。
Why is this news worthy? Well I have spent 20 years designing, and running, websites and when a site is dead you either walk away from it, or delete it, you don’t change the design no matter how simple that design may be. 這個訊息為何珍貴?我20年來從事設計及經營網站,當一個網站關閉不再經營時, 要碼你不再管理它,不然就是將它刪除,你並不會更改網頁設計不論你後來設計的有 多麼的簡單。
It means that someone has made a decision to make the change – why? – no idea but if it was me I could have done it to catch the attention of a ‘sad’ person like me saying “we are still here” – or – it could also be because the information listed on the page is no longer accurate – or – it could be that something is going on behind that front page within the website. 這各訴我們有人決定要將網站做這樣的改變,究竟為什麼呢?沒人知道原因及理由, 但如果是我的話,我有可能是為了吸引'悲傷'人們的注意並告知大家'我們還在'才 這麼做;或者,有可能是因為在該網站上的訊息已不再精準;又或者是有什麼事正在 該首頁及網站背後進行中。
All I can say is that you should join the ‘sad’ brigade and keep your eyes on the official website at and you just might see the paint dry – or – catch some new information! 我能說的只有你們應該加入'悲傷團'的一員,緊盯官網 及,你們可能會看到顏料乾掉(亦即他們在網站背後所做的事完成) 或是看到新的消息!